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Digital Skills

This section provides development courses to support with Digital proficiency and productivity.

Digital Proficiency

Digital proficiency is the ability to use digital devices, networks, applications, software and services.

How quickly do you pick up new tools and skills? Do you cope when technology doesn’t work as expected, do you explore beyond the basic functions, and can you work things out for yourself? Proficiency concerns digital mindset more than the mastery of specific tools, which can be achieved by using different applications and developing your range.

Examples include:

  • The use of digital devices, networks, platforms, systems, applications, Artificial Intelligence (AI), software and services.

  • The confident adoption of new devices, applications, (including Generative AI) software and services and the capacity to stay up to date with digital developments. The capacity to deal with problems and failures of digital devices, applications, software and services when they occur, and to design and implement digital solutions.

  • An understanding of basic concepts in computing, coding and information processing.

  • An understanding of accessibility, inclusion and equity issues in the use of digital devices, applications, software and services.

  • An understanding of the impact of technologies on the environment.

Here are some LinkedIn Learning courses you may want to explore to increase your digital proficiency:

Digital Productivity

Digital productivity is how you use your digital skills to accomplish tasks.

Can you choose the right devices, applications, software and systems for each task? Are you confident in using productivity tools and services provided by your organisation?

Can you adapt the tools available to your own needs and those of other people? A digitally productive person can function well in a complex digital environment but can also deal with distraction and overload.

Examples include:

  • The use of digital tools and services to carry out tasks effectively, productively and with attention to quality.
  • The capacity to choose devices, applications and software (including Generative AI) relevant to different tasks having assessed their benefits and constraints and to adopt and (where necessary) adapt digital tools to personal requirements and ways of working.
  • The ability work fluently across a range of tools, platforms and applications to achieve various complex tasks.
  • An understanding of how digital technology is changing practices at work, at home, in social and in public life.

Courses to increase your digital productivity: