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Referencing and Plagiarism - Diagnostic Test

All University of Derby students and staff have access to Skills for Study, a collection of interactive modules on a variety of skills topics.

Each module begins with a diagnostic test.  To assess your referencing skills, click here to access Skills for Study and choose the module 'Referencing and Plagiarism'.

Through your normal University of Derby login details you will have your own personalised account within Skills for Study which allows you to track your progress, bookmark useful pages and save journal entries as you develop your skills.  If you are accessing your account for the first time, please follow the instructions on the second tab of this box.

You will be asked to create an account the first time you access Skills for Study - Select the EMAIL option as shown in the image below.  Follow the on-screen instructions and make sure you use your unimail email address:



You will need to find the verification email in your unimail inbox and click on the link.  Next time you click on links to Skills for Study it will know who you are and your name will be displayed at the top-right of the Skills for Study screen.

Open University: Using Information

A number of self-assessment tools are available from the Open University.  To assess how familiar and confident you are with acknowledging the work of others, click here to access their website and choose the assessment 'Using Information'.