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Information Literacy: Support for Academics


The Library offers a suite of online workshops covering information literacy and academic skills.  These include instructional workshops outlining how to use library systems and tools to discover resources, plus workshops that cover how to develop effective search strategies and techniques, evaluation skills and critical and ethical use of information, academic writing skills, time management and motivation etc.  The workshops are designed and delivered by the Academic librarians, and the Skills team. Learning outcomes and which pillar/s from the Information Literacy Framework the workshops meet are outlined at the start of each session. All of the workshops are recorded and the link to the recording plus accompanying PowerPoint slides and any supporting documents are emailed to everyone who registered or attended the session. Students can register for the workshops on the calendar of events page. 

Workshops Menu

The workshop menu guide provides details of the workshops we deliver, including: learning outcomes, the information literacy pillars they meet and the level they are aimed at. You can also find links to supporting resources that provide additional support and guidance.