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Information Literacy: Support for Academics

Links to sources referenced in this guide

1  ALA (1989) Presidential committee on information literacy: final report. Available at: (Accessed: 23 February 2022).

2  SCONUL (2011) The SCONUL seven pillars of information literacy: core model for Higher Education. Available at: (Accessed: 23 June 2021).  

3  CILIP (2018) CILIP definition of information literacy, 2018. Available from: (Accessed: 23 June 2021).  

4  Brown, C., Murphy, T.J. and Nanny, M. (2003) ‘Turning techno-savvy into info-savvy: authentically integrating information literacy into the college curriculum’, The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 29(6), pp. 386-398. 

5  Salisbury, F. and Karasmanis, S. (2011) ‘Are they ready? Exploring student information literacy skills in the transition from secondary to tertiary education’, Australian Academic & Research Libraries, 42(1), pp. 43-58. 

6  Stewart, C. (2011) ‘Measuring information literacy: beyond the case study’, The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 37(3), pp. 270-272. 

7  Soleymani, M.R. (2014) ‘Investigating the relationship between information literacy and academic performance among students, Journal of Education and Health Promotion, 3(95), pp. 1-4. Available at:  

8 Hamilton, L. (2015) ‘Embedding information literacy into the prehospital care curriculum’, Australasian Journal of Paramedicine, 6(1),pp. 1-6. 

9  Orme, W.A. (2004) ‘A study of the residual impact of the Texas information literacy tutorial on the information-seeking ability of first year college students’, College & Research Libraries, 65(3), pp. 205-215. 

10  Soria, K.M., Fransen, J. and Nackerud, S. (2013) ‘Library use and undergraduate student outcomes: new evidence for students' retention and academic success. portal: Libraries and the Academy, 13(2), pp. 147-164. 

11  Scharf, al. (2007) ‘Direct assessment of information literacy using writing portfolios’, The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 33(4), pp. 462-477. 

12  Hoffmann, D.A. and Labonte, K. (2012) ‘Meeting information literacy outcomes: partnering with faculty to create effective information literacy assessment’, Journal of Information Literacy, 6(2), pp. 70-85. 

13  Hearn, M.R. (2005) ‘Embedding a librarian in the classroom: an intensive information literacy model’, Reference Services Review, 33(2), pp. 219-227. 

14  Gilbert, J.K. (2009) ‘Using assessment data to investigate library instruction for first year students’, Communications in Information Literacy, 3(2), pp. 181-192.