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Blackboard and Digital Learning


Padlet is an online notice board where you can contribute to a shared board or create your own to add notes, including text, images, audio, video and web links. 

Log in to Padlet




Once logged in you can access Padlets that are shared with you or create your own. 

Create a Padlet

Before you can create a Padlet, you must have created an account and logged in. You can create an unlimited number of Padlets: 

Privacy settings

By default, all Padlets are created as 'Private'. Which means the URL is available to you but isn't published publicly.  

The privacy settings can be changed to: 

  • Private: Keep the Padlet hidden from the public and only you can access.

  • Password: Keep the Padlet hidden from the public. If you choose to share it with someone, they will require a password to access it. 

  • Secret: Keep the Padlet hidden from the public, but if you choose to share it with someone, they will be able to access it. 

  • Org wide: Keep the Padlet hidden from the public but anyone at the University of Derby organisation could access it.

How to adjust your privacy Settings on a Padlet (External Link)

You can also give others permissions to your Padlet to allow them to read, write or edit, depending how you would like people to use the Padlet.

Share a Padlet

A Padlet can be shared in a variety of ways, including via: 

  • Link (URL) 
  • QR code 
  • Email 

 How to share your Padlet (External Link)