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Blackboard and Digital Learning

NEW: Blackboard Assignments

Your tutor may ask you to submit an assignment using Blackboard Assignments, which is typically used to upload documents or submit videos.

According to the University’s Anonymous Marking policy, unless your tutor tells you otherwise, please only use your Student ID number, and do not include your name on any submission you make through Blackboard Assignments.

This guide explains how to submit assignments using the web version of Blackboard, not the Blackboard Learn App. While it covers the standard submission procedure, your tutor might have adjusted some settings so you might see different options. If you have any questions, please contact your tutor.

How to find your Blackboard assignment

In general, assignment submissions for written work should be located in your module in Blackboard, in the Assessment area.  

1. Log in to Blackboard and navigate to your module. 

2. Find the submission point and click on it. The submission point should be located in the Module Assessment and Submission section, usually within the assessment or coursework folder.

Module Assessment and Submission section, with an assignment highlighted in the assignment 1 folder

3. Select Start attempt on the right hand-side opening panel.

Blackboard assignment Start attempt button

4. The submission screen looks like this. You can see the details and information of the assessment as well as the area to submit your work.

Blackboard assignment with the area to submit work highlighted

How to submit your work

Normally you will be asked to make your submission as a file, but occasionally your tutor might ask you to write something directly into the text box on the assignment screen, or to submit a video.

Using the submission area, you can:

  • Enter text directly.
  • Upload one or several files by using drag and drop a file or the paperclip icon.
  • Add a Panopto video submission by clicking on the plus icon, then selecting Content Market. 

(A video guide is available here).

Blackboard assignment area to submit with the attach content buttons highlighted

From the content Market area select Panopto Video – Submission (LTI)

The Panopto Video – Submission (LTI) in the content Market

Select 'My Folder' from the drop-down menu, then choose your video and click insert.

Panopto window showing it is set to My folder

The video will then be embedded in the submission area.

When ready to submit your work, click Submit.

Assignment submission area showing an embed Panopto video

Once submitted you will receive a confirmation email and be able to download your submission receipt.

Assignment digital receipt window

Your grade and feedback will be available from the Gradebook Tab in the navigation bar.

The navigation bar with the Gradebook Tab highlighted.