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eBook licences
We buy eBooks whenever we can - our philosophy is to be 'e first'. We know many of you still prefer print books so don't worry we still buy thousands of print books each year.
We have to buy eBooks that are licensed to Universities - and it's down to the publishers whether the book is made available to us. It means many books we simply can't buy as an eBook yet - we can only get the print copy.
There are a few different types of licences available to us such as:
We always try to buy the unlimited licence type - but the eBook may not have that licence available and even if it does, they are very expensive. An extreme example is a title that we could buy in print form for just over £100.....but the eBook version.... was almost £18K! Now they aren't normally that expensive - but can often be around the £1,000 mark whereas print titles are usually £50-£100.
Why can I only download an eBook for 24 hours?
This is to maximise opportunities for all students.
We have several mechanisms to help get access to what you need quickly.
Under the Copyright Licensing Agency's Higher Education licence it is possible to digitise book chapters and journal articles for use by students.
This means we can copy up to one article, chapter or 10% of the total, whichever is greater.