Tell us which books you want in the Library
You can request books for the library to purchase through our Books For You service. You can request academic books to support your personal learning and research, or you can simply request books you'd like to read for your own enjoyment.
Just complete the form and leave the rest to us.
If you would like an eBook version of a print book we own then please utilise this service - we will check to see if we can get an eBook version.
Information for Academic Teaching Staff
If you are a teaching academic and would like the Library to purchase content for your students, please simply add the titles to your Resource List and submit the list for review. For more information about Resource Lists please see our dedicated Libguide.
Please note, due to a supplier development on one of our key platforms, only print books can be purchased. This is expected to continue until Monday 3rd February.
The information that you supply on this form will be held and processed in line with the UK GDPR/Data Protection Act 2018/EU GDPR.
Our Data Protection Officer (DPO) is Helen Selby on (01332) 591954. Alternatively you can email Further information on how we handle your information and details of our DPO can be found here on our website