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LibKey Nomad

LibKey Nomad is a browser extension that automatically provides links to the full text of journal articles subscribed to by the Library and eBooks held in the Library collection, while you are carrying out your research. If we do not hold a subscription to an article it will point you to open access alternatives.

Find out more by watching this short video which explains how the extension works. 


LibKey Nomad is available for most web browsers including Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Safari.

You can either install LibKey Nomad directly from the website or from your browser webstore

  1. Open your browser
  2. Go to web store for the browser and search for LibKey Nomad
  3. Click ‘Add’ button to add LibKey Nomad to your browser
  4.  Open LibKey Nomad and select University of Derby as your organisation

Using LibKey Nomad

Once installed, the LibKey Nomad button will appear at the side of your browser window when you find a journal article that the Library has access to.

Or if you find an eBook that the Library has access to. 

Click on the button for one-click access.

LibKey Nomad also works with publisher sites, PubMed and Wikipedia to identify available content within the website. The LibKey Nomad symbol will appear below references to articles which are available.