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Welcome to your university library

This guide contains some Library related information that will be most useful in the first couple of weeks of your very first semester. Returning students may also find this useful as a refresher.


Welcome to your university library!

You may be a brand new student coming to university for the first time, or you may be a returning student wondering why certain things look different - this guide is to introduce (and re-introduce) your library to you so that finding resources, getting what you need is easy.

The menu on the left lists the resources we think you will need to know about at the start of term.

If there's anything missing that you need information on, let us know. It could be we need to add a page, or we might need to signpost you to a different resource. Either way, don't struggle in silence. As librarians, if we don't know the answer we will know where to look!


Late Opening

We do schedule in periods of late opening at our Kedleston Road site at different points of the semesters.  You can find more information here.