If you are serious about succeeding with your studies, The Study Skills Handbook is for you! Stella Cottrell has helped hundreds of thousands of students to make learning easier, faster and more enjoyable. Recognising that we all have our own unique formula for success, her tried and trusted approach allows you to find the key to unlock your potential and develop the skills you need to improve your grades, build your confidence and plan for the future you want.
If you are serious about succeeding with your studies, The Study Skills Handbook is for you! Stella Cottrell has helped hundreds of thousands of students to make learning easier, faster and more enjoyable. Recognising that we all have our own unique formula for success, her tried and trusted approach allows you to find the key to unlock your potential and develop the skills you need to improve your grades, build your confidence and plan for the future you want.
Ideal for students who are mystified by lecturer comments such as 'more analysis needed', this title takes the art of analysis and breaks it down into easy-to-understand blocks, with clear explanations, good examples, and plenty of activities to develop understanding at each stage.
Ideal for students who are mystified by lecturer comments such as 'more analysis needed', this title takes the art of analysis and breaks it down into easy-to-understand blocks, with clear explanations, good examples, and plenty of activities to develop understanding at each stage.
Ever thought of designing a postcard that reminded you of your essay questions, so that you wouldn't get sidetracked? Ever thought of how alike referencing is to a forensic investigation? This book introduces all these strategies and more because essay writing isn't just about writing. It uses visual analogies to explain all the bits that go into researching and writing at degree level - particularly those steps that often remain hidden to students at their first try. Going through the book step-by-step you are taken through the process of putting together your own research essay, not unlike a painting-by-numbers approach.
Presenting clearly and confidently is an important transferable skill and will help you to achieve success in your academic life and future career. This book will teach you the art of delivering great presentations, with advice on using your voice, body language and the latest online tools, platforms and software.
Presenting clearly and confidently is an important transferable skill and will help you to achieve success in your academic life and future career. This book will teach you the art of delivering great presentations, with advice on using your voice, body language and the latest online tools, platforms and software.
Now in its fourth edition, this indispensable guide helps students to create their own personal development programme and build the skills and capabilities today's employers want. Step by step, it takes students from the initial stages of setting goals and defining success through to the application process for their dream job.
Now in its fourth edition, this indispensable guide helps students to create their own personal development programme and build the skills and capabilities today's employers want. Step by step, it takes students from the initial stages of setting goals and defining success through to the application process for their dream job.
The video below explains how to create a search strategy—which can help you find better resources for your essays and assignments. The video was designed for education students, but the theory is equally applicable to all students. Please ask library staff if you would like to learn more about search strategies and the resources available to you at Buxton and Leek College Libraries.