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Systematic Reviews (2+ people)

This guide will look at resources for conducting a systematic review (SR) of literature on a topic


This is a living resource created by a subsection of the Evidence-Based Information Special Interest Group (EBI-SIG) within the European Association of Health Information and Libraries (EAHIL), and has been made freely available for anyone sourcing and developing search strategies for healthcare topics. As it is a work in progress it will be updated regularly so you will need to check back frequently for any additions.

You can search by collections e.g., Repositories, Diseases & Conditions, Geography, Study Types and so on.

Under the Guidance tab you will find information on conducting and reporting reviews; a list of guidance and quality assurance resources for search strategies; 

The Tools tab will give you a list of tools designed to help you build and modify your search strategies.

Don't forget to check back regularly to see if anything new has been added.

Library of Search Strategy Resources