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Your Students in The Library - FE

Library Expectations

Our aim is to provide a Library with a sense of community where students respect each other’s right to a space where they can study.

To achieve this:  

  • We ask that Students respect each other’s right to a place to study and that the Library space is a place for learning.  
  • For Resource-Based Learning (RBL) sessions the supervisor in charge of the session is responsible for the group’s behaviour in the Library so the Library team will come to the tutor if they feel that students behaviour is disrupting others around who are studying.  
  • For students not in RBL sessions the Library team are responsible for the behaviour so if you find that others students not in your RBL group are disrupting your students please let a member of the Library team know.  
  • We have different areas in the Library for different styles of studying the book room is the Discussion Zone, we have a Quiet zone at the front of the Library and a more informal space opposite the Library service desk.  
  • Students can eat cold food and snacks in the library space and have drinks with lids on. 
  • We ask that students make phone calls outside of the Library area and keep their phones on silent when in the Library.  
  • The Library space is not a classroom space we provide a learning environment that students use to study and it is still open for other students to come in and use during the RBL sessions. This is what makes our space work for the facilitated independent study for RBL. 
  • If groups of students are given a task to complete in the Library, any students failing to respect the learning environment for others around them will be sent back to the classroom.