A place to study
Your Library at Kedleston Road campus is open 7am until midnight every weekday and 9am until 10pm at weekends. Full opening hours are available from the library website.
There are a variety of study spaces to suit all needs and preferences, with individual or group study spaces, and a range of silent, quiet, or discussion areas. There are also 5 study rooms available for you to book.
Digital resources
Did you know that you can access over 648,000 eBooks and 98,626 eJournals 24 hours a day 7 days a week, using our handy ‘Library Search’ on the library website. Find matches for titles, subjects or even keyword searches. Get instant access to the content you need at the click of button.
Want to know which resources you need to help you prepare for the next exam or that important essay submission? Make sure you look at your Resource List, every module should have one and you can access many of your all-important materials instantly.
Still haven’t found what you’re looking for? No problem, you can request to borrow material from other libraries via our inter library loans service - most digital extracts are made available within 24 hours.
Did you know you can also request materials to be purchased for you using our Books for You scheme? Simply fill out the short form on the website and the Library will do the rest.
Not sure what material you want? That’s okay, the Library has over 197 databases you can browse at your leisure in our handy database A-Z
Know what you want, but the Library only has a print copy? You don’t need to come to campus, you can ask the Library to make you a digital copy of a chapter or an article and email it to you using our handy Scan and Deliver service
Using Google, Bing or Firefox to find resources, but access is locked behind a paywall? Don’t pay for it, the Library might already own it! Download and install the Lean Library and LibKey Nomad plugins to give you instant access to thousands of eBooks, Journals and databases for free.
Print resources
You have access to over 221,000 print books, and you can borrow up to 15 items. There is a reservation service available, where you can request items to be reserved for you and choose a convenient location for collection; Kedleston Road Library or one of our book lockers at Britannia Mill, St Helena, Friar Gate, or Nuclear Skills Academy. There is more information about using the reservation service and book lockers. There are also 53 print journals available for use at the Kedleston Road Library.
Searching our collections
There is plenty of subject information available from the library website, providing detail about the specialist resources we provide for your chosen field of study. Using a subject guide will enable you to hit the research targets and expectations for assessed work.
Subject guides also offer a wider view of the other elements necessary to be a successful student: including, Develop@Derby, the SCONUL scheme, and referencing.
Develop@Derby hub
Overwhelmed by the number of resources in the online library? Not sure which ones are good enough to use in your academic work? Want to improve your marks for your written work? Come to the Develop@Derby hub where these questions and many more will be answered!
You can learn how to search for evidence to support your assignments, how to evaluate the resources you find, and pick up tips for improving your marks via our brief guide. (There are also some videos and podcasts, if you want a break from reading.)
Confused by citations? Puzzled by paraphrasing? Bewildered by bibliographies? If you’re struggling with referencing for your assignments, then check out Cite Them Right. Cite Them Right is an invaluable referencing support tool that provides guidance on all aspects of citing and referencing. You can learn more about Cite Them Right by attending our Develop@Derby demonstration workshop – sign up here.
Don’t forget our Develop@Derby Referencing guide; it’s packed full of tips and advice to help you develop your referencing skills.
Whether you’re stuck on where to start or refining your final draft, Develop@Derby has you covered. Our Writing at University guide breaks down the essentials, helping you tackle academic writing with confidence. Not sure how to approach a specific assignment? Our Types of Assessment guide shows you how to adapt your style to meet different criteria. When it’s time for finishing touches, our Referencing and Proofreading guides are here to make sure your work shines.
Prefer something more interactive? Join a Develop@Derby workshop! We’re running sessions on everything from academic writing to reflective writing, proofreading, and exam prep. Sign up now to attend live or access the recording!
Generative AI
Whether you are scared or curious about AI, it's worth knowing what the rules are for using AI. The Develop@Derby generative AI guides are a great starting place. Learn what generative AI is, how to access it and how you can use AI within your studies (and how you can't). If you want a practical demonstration of AI, sign up to one of our AI workshops on the Develop@Derby workshop calendar.
Library support
The Library team are friendly and knowledgeable, and we are here to listen and support.
You can contact us in person at Kedleston Road Library, or speak with us at Britannia Mill (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) or St Helena (Tuesday and Thursday) 10am – 4pm.
You can speak with us via Live Chat, wherever you see the green Chat symbol on our webpage, and you can also email (library@derby.ac.uk) or telephone (01332 591215).
We provide Library services direct to our Kedleston Road site:
Access to a librarian
Library staff can be contacted several ways and are available during our opening hours to assist you with your studies and in using the Library. Come and talk to us if you need help or have specific detailed questions relating to:
You can book a 1-1 appointment with your Academic Librarian in person or online – whichever you prefer! You can contact your Academic Librarian using the email link on your subject guide.
A range of skills support is also available via our Develop@Derby platform, subject guides and our online Develop@Derby workshops so make sure you check them out as many of your questions can be answered via these services.
Access to the Library's physical resources
The University Library's main physical collection is available here at Kedleston Road. You can also access these resources via our reservation service which is live and you can find out more information about how to use it on our reservation service guide.
You can also request digital copies of key chapters and articles that are not currently available in a digital format using the Scan and Deliver service.
You may also request new books in either a print or digital format to be purchased by the library using the Books For You scheme.
Access to independent study space
The Kedleston Road Library offers a variety of study spaces, for group or individual study, across four floors including: silent; quiet; and discussions areas; as well as bookable rooms.
Access to PCs
The University offers access to desktop PCs on all four floors of the main Library. There is also laptop loan provision from the upper ground floor.
Access to Printers
Print facilities are available on the lower ground, upper ground and first floors.
Access to the digital library
The digital library provision is available 24/7, enhanced by tools such as Lean Library, Libkey Nomad and our Inter Library Loans service.
We provide Library services direct to our Britannia Mill site:
Access to a librarian
Library staff can be contacted several ways and are on site each week on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 10am - 4pm. Come and talk to us for help and guidance with any of the following:
A range of skills support is also available via our Develop@Derby platform.
Access to the Library's physical resources
Access to the Library's physical collection via our reservation service provides access to the full and entire collection of loanable library resources. This service is live and you can find out more information about how to use it on our reservation service guide.
You can also request digital copies of key chapters and articles that are not currently available in a digital format using the Scan and Deliver service.
Access to independent study space
The University offers a social study and quiet study space on the lower ground floor of Britannia Mill and a quiet study area with small group rooms on the second floor. A student kitchen (aka Heat 'n' Eat) is provided on the lower ground floor as place to prepare food and drinks while you are working.
Access to PCs
The University offers a social study space on the lower ground floor of Britannia Mill which includes a range of desktop PCs. A quiet study area is located on the second floor which includes a range of desktop PCs and a laptop loan provision.
Access to Printers
Print facilities are available within the lower ground floor social study space and level 2 quiet study area at Britannia Mill.
Access to the digital library
The digital library provision is available 24/7, enhanced by tools such as Lean Library, Libkey Nomad and our Inter Library Loans service.
We provide Library services direct to the St Helena site.
Access to a librarian
Library staff can be contacted several ways and are on site each week on Tuesdays and Thursdays 10am - 4pm. Come and talk to us for help and guidance with any of the following:
A range of skills support is also available via our Develop@Derby platform.
Access to the Library's physical resources
Access to the Library's physical collection via our reservation service provides access to the full and entire collection of loanable library resources. This service is live and you can find out more information about how to use it on our reservation service guide.
We also offer a reference collection of key materials (informed by module resource lists for Programmes delivered at St Helena) in order that you are able to retain quick access to relevant resources).
You can also request digital copies of key chapters and articles that are not currently available in a digital format using the Scan and Deliver service.
Access to independent study space
There are many independent study spaces at our Chesterfield site to support you in your studies.
Access to PCs
The Chesterfield site provides access to PCs, including the ability to borrow laptops as required.
Access to Printers
There is a printer available in ST101.
Access to the digital library
The digital library provision is available 24/7, enhanced by tools such as Lean Library, Libkey Nomad and our Inter Library Loans service.
Student Car Parking Scratch Cards
Scratch cards are available from the online shop.
Once you have purchased your scratch cards online, take the receipt to the Student Hub Express on the Upper Ground Floor of the St Helena campus and you will be issued with your scratch cards.
We provide Library services direct to our Friar Gate site:
Access to a librarian
Library staff can be contacted several ways. Come and talk to us if you need help or have specific detailed questions relating to:
You can book a 1-1 appointment with your Academic Librarian in person or online – whichever you prefer! You can contact your Academic Librarian using the email link on your subject guide.
A range of skills support is also available via our Develop@Derby platform, subject guides and our online Develop@Derby workshops so make sure you check them out as many of your questions can be answered via these services.
Access to the Library's physical resources
Access to the Library's physical collection via our reservation service provides access to the full and entire collection of loanable library resources. This service is live and you can find out more information about how to use it on our reservation service guide.
You can also request digital copies of key chapters and articles that are not currently available in a digital format using the Scan and Deliver service.
Access to independent study space
The University offers a social study space on the ground floor.
Access to PCs
The University offers a study space with computers on the fifth floor. There is also laptop loan provision on the ground floor.
Access to Printers
Print facilities are available within the study space on the fifth floor.
Access to the digital library
The digital library provision is available 24/7, enhanced by tools such as Lean Library, Libkey Nomad and our Inter Library Loans service.
We provide Library services direct to our Markeaton Street site:
Access to a librarian
Library staff can be contacted several ways. Come and talk to us if you need help or have specific detailed questions relating to:
You can book a 1-1 appointment with your Academic Librarian in person or online – whichever you prefer! You can contact your Academic Librarian using the email link on your subject guide.
A range of skills support is also available via our Develop@Derby platform, subject guides and our online Develop@Derby workshops so make sure you check them out as many of your questions can be answered via these services.
Access to the Library's physical resources
Access to the Library's physical collection via our reservation service provides access to the full and entire collection of loanable library resources. This service is live and you can find out more information about how to use it on our reservation service guide.
You can also request digital copies of key chapters and articles that are not currently available in a digital format using the Scan and Deliver service.
Access to independent study space
The University offers social study spaces on the first and second floors.
Access to PCs
The University offers a variety of computer labs which cover specifications for: CAD, gaming, MAC, architecture and Motorsport. Laptop loan provision is also available on the ground floor.
Access to Printers
Print facilities are available on the ground, first and second floors.
Access to the digital library
The digital library provision is available 24/7, enhanced by tools such as Lean Library, Libkey Nomad and our Inter Library Loans service.
We provide Library services direct to our Buxton site:
Access to a librarian
Library staff can be contacted several ways and are available during our opening hours to assist you with your studies and in using the Library.
We can help you with:
A range of skills support is also available via our Develop@Derby platform.
Study spaces and access to PCs
The Library at Buxton offers a variety of study spaces, from our Quiet Zone, to our Discussion Zone, allowing for different ways of study. We also offer independent study pods; and access to desktop PCs, Apple Macs, and a LapSafe with laptops to borrow for 4 Hours or 2 Weeks.
Access to the Library’s resources
You have full access to our physical collection not only here at Buxton, but also from any other of our Libraries via our reservation service, which provides access to our entire collection of loanable library resources. If you need help with this please speak to a member of our Library team for support, or you can find out more information about how to reserve items on our reservation service guide.
You can also request digital copies of key chapters and articles that are not currently available in a digital format using the Scan and Deliver service. Our Inter Library Loans service also allows you to borrow resources from other academic institutions.
You have access to the Library’s online and digital resources 24/7, both on and off campus. This can be found on our website, or if you are a Buxton and Leek College student this can also be accessed via the Library tile on the BLC webpage.
Access to Printers
Print facilities are available in the reception area in DO/G25, and also in the main Book Room in DO/G26.
BLC Access Requirements
You can access Buxton Library if you are a student at any level of study within the University of Derby. Unfortunately, due to safeguarding requirements, we can no longer accept SCONUL or external visitors.
We provide Library services direct to our Leek site:
Access to a librarian
Library staff can be contacted several ways and are available during our opening hours to assist you with your studies and in using the Library.
We can help you with:
A range of skills support is also available via our Develop@Derby platform.
Study spaces and access to PCs
The Library at Leek offers a variety of study spaces, from our Quiet Zone to our Discussion Zone, allowing for different ways of study. We also offer access to desktop PCs, and a LapSafe with laptops to borrow for 4 Hours or 2 Weeks.
Access to the Library’s resources
You have full access to our physical collection not only here at Leek, but also from any other of our Libraries via our reservation service, which provides access to our entire collection of loanable library resources. If you need help with this please speak to a member of our Library team for support, or you can find out more information about how to reserve items on our reservation service guide.
You can also request digital copies of key chapters and articles that are not currently available in a digital format using the Scan and Deliver service. Our Inter Library Loans service also allows you to borrow resources from other academic institutions.
You have access to the Library’s online and digital resources 24/7, both on and off campus. This can be found on our website, or if you are a Buxton and Leek College student this can also be accessed via the Library tile on the BLC webpage.
Access to Printers
Print facilities are available to use in Leek Hub.
BLC Access Requirements
You can access Leek Hub Library if you are a student at any level of study within the University of Derby. Unfortunately, due to safeguarding requirements, we can no longer accept SCONUL or external visitors.
We provide Library services direct to our Nuclear Skills Academy site:
Access to a librarian
Library staff can be contacted several ways. Come and talk to us if you need help or have specific detailed questions relating to:
You can book a 1-1 appointment with your Academic Librarian in person or online – whichever you prefer! You can contact your Academic Librarian using the email link on your subject guide.
A range of skills support is also available via our Develop@Derby platform, subject guides and our online Develop@Derby workshops so make sure you check them out as many of your questions can be answered via these services.
Access to the Library's physical resources
Access to the Library's physical collection via our reservation service provides access to the full and entire collection of loanable library resources. This service is live and you can find out more information about how to use it on our reservation service guide.
The book locker can be found in Study Space 2.
You can also request digital copies of key chapters and articles that are not currently available in a digital format using the Scan and Deliver service.
Access to PCs and independent study space
The University offers a study space on the ground floor (room Study Space 2) which includes a range of desktop PCs.
Access to Printers
Print facilities are available on the ground floor.
Access to the digital library
The digital library provision is available 24/7, enhanced by tools such as Lean Library, Libkey Nomad and our Inter Library Loans service.
We provide Library services to support distance learners:
Access to a librarian
Library staff can be contacted several ways. Reach out to us if you need help or have specific detailed questions relating to:
You can book a 1-1 appointment with your Academic Librarian online! You can contact your Academic Librarian using the email link on your subject guide.
A range of skills support is also available via our Develop@Derby platform, subject guides and our online Develop@Derby workshops so make sure you check them out as many of your questions can be answered via these services.
Access to the digital library
The digital library provision is available 24/7, enhanced by tools such as Lean Library, Libkey Nomad and our Inter Library Loans service. You can also request digital copies of key chapters and articles that are not currently available in a digital format using the Scan and Deliver service, or request eBooks to be purchased for the digital library using the Books For You scheme.
Please note that the Student HUB remains the best place to access a whole host of services and expertise that support students at all levels of study and in every aspect of their student life.
Remember you can also reserve items and ask for them to be delivered to the site most convenient for you. Find out more about our reservation service.
You can also take the Library with you when you're searching the web and access content for free by installing the Lean Library and Libkey Nomad plugins.
If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact library@derby.ac.uk