What is reflecting on my skills?
You will develop a large number of skills as you study and through other experiences. Personal skills reflection is when you pause to take stock of the skills that you have, and identify those that you wish to develop.
Why might I reflect on my skills?
Acknowledging the skills that you have gained can increase your confidence and help you to see how you might effectively apply those skills. Identifying the skills that you would like to develop will allow you to create a focused action plan to target those skills in particular.
How do I reflect on my skills?
The University has a number of resources that can help you reflect on your skills.
Our Level Up Your Skills worksheet invites you to create a character that reflects you and your skills. Every hero has strengths and weaknesses, use this sheet to identify yours and create an action plan to focus your skills development.
The Critical Thinking Toolkit is a psychometric measure of your beliefs and attitudes about critical thinking. It will give you feedback about your scores, and average responses to the different components of the questions. It also contains a further link that offers advice and strategies for being more critical in your assignments.
The Jisc Discovery Tool helps you to reflect on areas of your digital capability. After you complete a series of questions you will receive feedback, including a summary of your digital profile, suggested actions you can take to build your capability and links to resources that you can use to support your development. Use your University username and password to log in.
Every hero has strengths and weaknesses. Create a character that reflects you and your skills. This activity will help you to reflect on your own skills for study to identify the strengths you can build on and the areas that you can improve.
Naomi discusses top tips for reflecting on feedback from your assignments.