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Finding Journals and Journal Articles

Finding and using journal articles

This guide will introduce you to the Library's key tools for searching online academic journals to help you find key academic journal articles. You may often hear online journals called eJournals.

There are three main tools to help you search for journals and journal articles:

  • Library Search. This will help you find journal articles across a broad range of subjects and is really useful when you aren't sure which journals or databases are best for your topic.  There are options to use a Simple or Advanced search. To find out more about these and to get hints and tips on planning your search, look at the pages on the navigation panel to the left.
  • Subject-specific databases. Searching subject-specific databases can also help you find journal articles and may enable you to limit results to resources which are most closely related to your discipline area.  Many of these databases are searched by Library Search, but there are advantages to searching them individually.  This is particularly true if you want to carry out a systematic search across a range of databases.  You can find out more information about the databases for your subject from the Subject Guides.
  • Browzine.  This is an online resource and works as a catalogue of all our eJournals. You can use BrowZine to discover titles within your subject area.


You can use the pages in the navigation panel to the left to find out more about using Library Search and Browzine.  To discover more about the subject-specific databases you will need to explore your subject guides which you can find here.