Getting published: a guide from journal writing to academic impact


Who is citing my paper?
If you have followed the advice from the previous sections, you should end up with an engaging, relevant, original and important paper. One way to track the impact a piece of research is having is to track its usage, i.e who is citing the paper and what are they saying about it?

Ask your Academic Librarian how to set up alerts from the journal, databases and Google Scholar for when your paper is mentioned and cited, then engage with those who are commenting on it. It could lead to a useful network and future research collaborations! 

Remember, citations are not a measure of quality. In all research quality assessments and exercises, peer review and field expert analysis have the final say in a paper's success rate.

An increase in citations can be a result using effective publication routes and simple tools to ensure your work reaches a wide a audience. This section will introduce some of these tools such as persistent identifiers: DOIs and ORCiD.