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Work-life balance at University - Skills Guide

Studying from home

Due to the recent health situation, more of us needed to study and work at home.  The technology has advanced, so remote learning is more effective than ever before.  Learning and studying at home can benefit you as well:

  • You can study at your own pace
  • Totally flexible over when you study
  • Save money and time on travel
  • Your equipment and surroundings are your own

However, there are pitfalls and many distractions at home.  Here are some tips to make home a place that will be an effective learning space for you:

  • Establish a workspace and keep it tidy!  This can be a challenge in shared spaces but try and sit at a table with the correct equipment.  Organise your workspace so you can find things easily and work effectively; working amongst lots of mess will not make you feel organised.
  • Use your time wisely - Plan your day and stick to it.  Get up at a set time and establish a schedule.  Remember to take regular breaks and mealtimes.  Dressing as you would for university will also give you more of a sense of purpose.
  • Set goals - Know what you need to do and break tasks down into manageable chunks.  Make sure they are achievable and give yourself rewards when they are completed.  This will be a great motivator and help you recognise positive progress!
  • Keep in touch - Just because you are studying from home it does not been you are alone - don't become isolated.  Check with tutors and lecturers for clarification if you are unsure about to something.  Use technology to work with fellow students on group tasks.  This is a fantastic way to keep in touch with other people on your course as well and support each other.

Access support if you need it - See the University services available on UDo for more information

Five Tips for Studying at Home