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Functional Skills and GCSE Maths and English - FE

Finding eBooks

Library Search enables you find eBooks.

eBooks are books that you can read online. You can also download the whole book, or parts of the book, for a limited time (usually 24 hours).

You can easily search eBooks for specific content, so you may prefer them to print books. The choice is yours.

Just like searching for a print book, you may want to find a specific book or a book about a topic.

Video Tutorial

Finding eBooks

In the example below, we will look for a book about carpentry.

Step 1: Type your topic, carpentry, into the search box.


Step 2: I want to tell Library Search to look for books. So, use the drop-down menu to select 'Books' and then click search (the white magnifying glass symbol).


Step 3: Library Search will now display all the books that are available. You can now filter these results to only show books that are available Online—in other words, eBooks. To do this click the 'Availability' drop-down menu on the left-hand side of the screen. Then click 'Available online'.


Step 4: Carpentry and joinery. Volume 2. looks like an interesting book. To read this first click 'Available online'.


Step 5: You will then see more information about the book, but I want to click where it says 'EBook Central' (this is just the provider of the eBook, and sometimes you will see a different name).


Step 6: You will then be asked to sign in. Use your '' and your 'password'.

Step 7: The eBook will now be visible. You can read the whole book online or download it. Or you can read specific chapters online or them.