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Microsoft 365 (Preparing for Study)

What is it?

Microsoft Word is part of the Microsoft Office suite of software. It is word processing software that can be used to produce documents and also items such as a CV, flyers and leaflets.

Why do I need to learn it?

Microsoft Word can enable you to produce a professional looking document. It can help you to structure your written work and gives you control over the document appearance, for example:

  • Font size and style and document margins can be altered easily.
  • Word can help you to structure your writing in to sections and provide you with page numbering.
  • Images and tables can be easily inserted in to a document.
  • Word can provide an automatic table of contents for your document.

How do I do it?

To get started with Word, see the links below for quick help sheets, online training, and further reading.

Word Quick Start Guide

Word Online Training

Word Further Reading