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Criminology & Policing

Sustainable Development Goals Online

Why might I need this database? 

While primarily associated with environmental and social issues, the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have profound implications for the fields of criminology and policing. The Sustainable Development Goals Online (SDGO) database offers a unique lens through which to explore these connections.

What SDGO offers for Criminology and Policing students:

  • Interdisciplinary Content: A vast collection of journal articles and book chapters exploring the SDGs' relevance to crime, justice, and security. This allows you to examine issues like poverty, inequality, and social exclusion, which are often root causes of crime.
  • Research on Justice and Peace: Access to cutting-edge research on SDG 16, which focuses on promoting peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, providing justice for all, and building effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at all levels.
  • Understanding Crime Prevention Through a Sustainability Lens: Explore how sustainable development strategies, such as promoting education, economic growth, and social inclusion, can contribute to crime prevention and community safety.
  • Global Perspectives on Crime and Justice: Gain insights into how different countries and communities are addressing crime and justice issues within the framework of the SDGs.
  • Ethical Considerations in Policing: Examine the ethical implications of policing practices and policies in relation to human rights, social justice, and environmental sustainability.

How do I access Sustainable Development Goals Online?

You can access it from the Databases list on the Library homepage. Just search under 'S', and you will find it. Alternatively, you can follow the highlighted link here.

How does it relate to Library Search?

Sustainable Development Goals Online is available through Library Search. However, you may find it easier to use the database itself, in order to identify content via the particular Sustainable Goal you are interested in (e.g. Goal 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions).