There are several principles and standards in relation to RDM that you may find it useful to consult.
FAIR Principles
The FAIR Principles, originally published in 2016, with the aim of improving the Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability and Reuse of data. Data should be easy to find for both humans and computers through the use of appropriate metadata, persistent identifiers (e.g. DOIs) and indexing. Data should be accessible and information about authentication and authorisation should be included. Data needs to be able to integrate with other applications and workflows. All of this will enable and encourage the reuse of data. For more details see the Go Fair website.
UK Research and Innovation Concordat on Open Research Data
This Concordat recognises that research data should, wherever possible, be made openly available for use by others in a manner consistent with relevant legal, ethical, disciplinary and regulatory frameworks and norms, and with due regard to the cost involved. Research England, as a Council of UKRI, supports the principles in the Universities UK Concordat to Support Research Integrity which under Commitment 1 calls for transparency and open communication and specifically mentions research data. .