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Open Access Books

Routes to Achieve Open Access for Books

There are various ways in which you can achieve Open Access (OA) for long form output types including non-traditional routes which do not charge authors a fee to make their work openly available from the publisher's website. OA to books is a public good and even authors who are not a recipient of funding from an external funding organisation should consider making their books OA. The University of Derby is fully committed to the principles of OA and in support of author choice. As a university, our commitment is to Green OA and we strongly encourage authors to consider alternatives to the Gold model of OA due to the increasingly expensive prices involved and the systemic inequities that Gold OA perpetuates in the academy. 

See the tabs on the left for further information on the different ways to achieve OA for long form publications. You can also find out more about the different models for OA books via the OA Books Toolkit managed by the Online Library of Open Access Books (OAPEN)