The University of Derby Online Research Archive (UDORA) is the Open Access, publicly accessible repository of the University of Derby (UoD) research publications and other research outputs. It is how staff and students at the University can achieve the Green route to Open Access. For submissions, UDORA is accessed via the University of Derby Research System, and is one of the modules, alongside Research Manager, Ethics Monitor and PhD Manager. UDORA also has the public facing side of the system which is where outputs are made Open Access and can be viewed or downloaded.
An Open Access repository such as UDORA enables you to disseminate your research outputs to a diverse and wide ranging audience. Material that may not be suitable for publication in a traditional journal, such as conference posters and presentations can also be deposited in UDORA. However, all material intended for submission must have undergone some form of peer review process to ensure that all outputs deposited in the repository, under the University of Derby name adheres to a high level of quality. The University has a Takedown notice which you can read here.
If you are a research student and want to upload your thesis, then please contact the Student Research Office in the first instance.
For further information please contact