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Finding books and eBooks

Ebsco eBooks

You can access  Ebsco eBooks from Library Search results or the Library Indexes and Databases page.

You may find many of the eBooks on your resource list are available on Ebsco eBooks too.

Reading Online

Reading your chosen text online is easy; simply click on the PDF or EPUB icon and your reading will be presented to you in a new window. There are options to bookmark, highlight, print and search within your reading.

For more information watch the online tutorial.

Downloading your reading from Ebsco eBook Collection

You can also choose to download chapters or complete copies of eBooks to your device for offline reading. Watch the video guide below to learn more:

You can make and save notes on all Ebsco eBooks. These can then be printed off for later use.

  • Find the title you need and navigate to any page you wish to make notes on.
  • Click on 'My Notes' in the left hand menu area (see image below)

  • To add a note click on +New Note

As you can see from the image you need to sign in to your Ebsco account to save notes for later use.  It's easy to do by following the on screen instructions under 'Sign in'.

You can use your Ebsco account to save searches on library plus or any of the other Ebsco databases in our collection.

You can then print off your list of notes for later use.

For more information about how to use the EBSCO eBook Collection platform check out their helpful online tutorial


Can't find the text you're looking for?

  • Try using Library Search to see if it is available on one of our databases. If you still can't find it, contact the Library.

Having trouble opening your downloaded eBook?

Want to take a break and not sure how to save your place for later?

  • Simply click on the 'bookmark' icon in the book you are reading to save you page and remember to add the title to your 'bookshelf' so you can access it quickly next time.

Can't see an option to download your eBook?

  • Due to publisher restrictions some eBooks can't be downloaded.

eBook has been reserved for someone else?

  • Some eBooks are limited to one or two users at a time. Simply add your e-mail address to the reservation queue and you will be notified when it is next available.

The eBook closed on its own?

  • Some eBooks will time out after a period of inactivity, to avoid this be sure to regularly turn the page every 15 minutes. If you cannot reopen the eBook it may be that another user is accessing the book and you are placed in a queue.