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Welcome to the Library help guide for English

This LibGuide is designed to meet you at your point of need and to guide you through the process of planning and managing work at university, finding research material for your assessed work, and supporting you with outputting your ideas through referencing. It also provides guidance on other support provisions from the library.

Study Skills: this tab introduces a resource called Develop@Derby, which is designed to help you develop your skills as a student. It also provides support for academic well being and advice about careers and choices for when you finish your studies. 

Getting Started: Provides logistically and practical information about using the Library. For example, borrowing books, loan periods, booking study spaces, and opening hours.

Key Databases: This tab introduces the databases that you need to use to find research—books, e-books, journal articles—for your essays, assignments, or theses.

Useful Websites: a collection of websites that might be useful to your learning and research.

Historical newspapers: the library provides you access to many different historical newspapers, from many different periods of time. If you want to learn how people interpreted the world during different periods of history, then this may be the place to look.

Online Archives: several online archives exist freely. You can use these archives to find historical documents, first additions of books, and even more current works that have gone out of print.

Finding theses and dissertations: many universities have digitised the theses and dissertations that their students have completed—which may help you in your own studies. You can search a database of this work here.

Key history journal titles: this section of the guide provides a clear link to a list of journals that the University of Derby provides for you.

Not based in Derby?: if you don't live in Derby, this section of the LibGuide provides information about accessing other university libraries in the UK and about having physical content—held in the library—scanned to you. Of course, even if you live in Derby these services are available to you, too.

Referencing: This tab explains why referencing is a fundamental of academic research, and it guides you to appropriate resources to help you reference effectively.

FAQs and Help Me: Finally, these tabs aim to answer common questions you may have about the Library and its services.