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Reference Management Software

References in your Doctoral Thesis

Your doctoral thesis must include a bibliographical reference for every work, published or unpublished, cited in the thesis. This includes any works for which you are also the author.

Citations within the main body of the thesis should follow a consistent format. References should also be collated in a comprehensive reference list / bibliography. 

Please consult with your supervisor and refer to referencing guidance from your college or research centre. You should also refer to Section 6.5.6 of the PGR Regulations handbook. The most up to date version is accessible on this page:

Examples of Doctoral Theses

You can view many examples of doctoral theses online. Some good places to look include:


  • UDORA - University of Derby Online Research Archive - the university's open access repository and route to achieve Green open access.

1) Click on the 'Search' magnifying glass

2) Choose 'Search by fields'

3) Select 'Thesis' in 'Type of repository item (and add further filters if you like)

  • 4) Click the 'Search' button at the bottom


  • ETHoS - the UK's national thesis service, run by the British Library NB: The British Library recently suffered a cyber attack, which has disrupted services. The ETHoS service is currently suspended. Updates on all its services are being communicated on the British Library blog here.  

1) Select 'advanced search' at the top of the page

2) Enter your search terms (filter for immediate download items if you like)

3) Click the 'Go' button


1) Click on 'Search' on the main page to arrive at the advanced search options.

2) Enter your search keywords and any filters you choose


1) Access via the library databases link above, ensuring you are logged in as member of the university

2) Enter your search keywords

Tip! You can search for theses from a particular geographic location or on a subject of your choice by selecting 'Browse' on the home page, then choosing the relevant heading.

Examples of Theses by Referencing Style


APA 7th

  • Dobell, A. 2023. Increasing physical activity and fundamental movement skills in early childhood by using school-based interventions. PhD Thesis, University of Derby Human Sciences Research Centre


  • Brooks, R. 2023. Femininity, Class and Status: The societal devaluation of the female early years workforce. PhD Thesis, University of Derby Education
  • Sole, M. 2023. How to Teach Mechanical Engineering Design Using Industry Methods While Still Assessing to University Criteria. PhD Thesis, The University of Derby The College of Science and Engineering

Latex Biblatex 'authoryear'

  • Landou, A. 2023. Strangeness production analysis in simulated proton-proton collisions at the LHC with the new ALICE Run 3 computing environment. PhD Thesis University of Derby College of Science and Engineering



Name-year-title sorting

  • Erhan, L. 2021. Data Analytics in an Internet of Things Edge Cloud Setting. PhD Thesis, University of Derby College of Science and Engineering