After your thesis has been passed by the examiners, you must submit an electronic copy of your thesis to the University of Derby Online Research Archive (UDORA). Your thesis will be published under the default Creative Commons Licence CC BY NC ND 4.0. If you wish to change the choice of Creative Commons Licence, you need to contact either Donya Rowan (Copyright Officer) or Holly Limbert (Publication Practice Librarian).
This digital copy has many benefits compared to simply lodging a printed copy in a library. The online version will potentially attract a wider readership than the printed copy alone, which would only be available to those with access to one of the university libraries. Making research available on the open web also has the potential to increase your visibility as a researcher.
UDORA is not the only online repository to hold electronic theses. There are over 5000 Open Access repositories around the world, half of which provide access to doctoral theses. In the UK alone there are over 200 institutional repositories and many of these store and offer free access to PhD theses.
Theses in UDORA can also be made available to scholars worldwide via the British Library’s eTheses service – EThOS (
UDORA is the University of Derby Open Research Archive, an Open Access institutional repository containing the research output of University of Derby staff and students.
Whilst Derby is not a traditional research university, its staff are nonetheless generating a large amount of material that is worth drawing the attention of the wider academic community. In addition to published journal articles, many repositories - of which there are over 2,100 around the world and 200 in the UK alone - contain PhD theses, conference and workshop papers, datasets, unpublished reports, working papers etc.
Institutional repositories serve to make your research output accessible to a much wider audience than via the traditional route of publication in an academic journal. Whilst this is obviously important to enhance your credibility and reputation as an academic and researcher, your work is necessarily limited to those who subscribe to the publication - and in some cases this may be a very select group. Studies have shown that there is often a direct correlation between Open Access and citation hits.
An institutional repository makes your work available to anybody who is interested. Most institutional repositories are also registered with Google Scholar, SHERPA and OAIster, making your research much easier to find.
There are also benefits to students, as the Library may not subscribe to all the publications your articles have appeared in. Uploading your work to UDORA means that students have the ability to read and learn from all of your research output.
Institutional repositories also have an important role to play in preserving scholarly content that may otherwise be out of print or unavailable. As the onus of collection and preservation is on the University, you no longer need to worry about updating broken links or tracking which databases your articles may be hosted on in order to maintain access.
An institutional repository such as UDORA also gives you the ability to disseminate material that may not be suitable for publication in a traditional journal. However, all material intended for submission must still have undergone some form of critical review process to ensure that all material available for access under the University of Derby name adheres to the same high level of quality.
Any queries relating to UDORA, contact the Publication Practice Librarian, Holly Limbert.
It is highly likely that in the course of your research you will need to quote material by other authors in your work. If your work does contain any such third party material over and above normal quotations, then you are required to seek permission from the copyright holder to use it. Examples of copyrighted material include lengthy extracts and/or quotes from published and unpublished books, journal articles, conference papers and theses. Copyright also covers illustrations like tables, figures, images, maps and so forth.
Please note:
An author/creator may assign copyright to others. For instance, most authors are required to sign over copyright to the publisher of their journal article. Only the copyright owner, whether author or just the publisher, may do the following:
For you to do any of the above, beyond normal quotations, permission must be sought from the copyright holder.
No permission needs to be sought when using third party copyright material in a printed thesis. Under the law a printed thesis is produced for examination purposes and does not constitute publishing. However, permission to use third party copyright material is needed when placing a thesis on the web for the public to see as this is considered publishing the work.
In the course of writing your thesis have you used the following:
Follow these steps if you have incorporated any of the above in your work:
The duration of copyright varies depending on the type of work in question. The term of protection in the UK for an original written (literary), theatrical (dramatic) musical or artistic work lasts for the life of the creator plus 70 years.
However, extracts and quotations from previously published works may be used for non-commercial research and private study. They can also be used for the purpose of criticism or review, and for the purposes of assessment or examination. In all such cases the extracts and/or quotations must be appropriately acknowledged and referenced.
This “fair dealing” exception for assessment or examination allows PhD candidates to copy limited amounts from a work without permission to be used in their printed theses. It is worth noting that “fair dealing” applies when you are copying less than a “substantial” amount from a work. Neither “fair dealing” nor “substantial” are concepts defined clearly in law. However, “fair dealing” essentially permits copying of small quantities which does not harm the commercial interests of the copyright holder.
Copyright holder’s response |
Next step |
Embargo for placing thesis in UDORA |
Yes |
Use the material and acknowledge the source. |
No embargo needed |
Yes but with conditions |
The copyright holder may require a link to their site being added; or a formally worded acknowledgement of the source; or a delay in placing the work on the web. |
Discuss embargo with your supervisor. Consult the PhD Regulations on how to apply for an embargo before submitting for examination. |
No |
The Library will consider loading an edited version into UDORA which may have the copyrighted material redacted. |
Discuss with your supervisor if the removal of this element renders the work unusable. Consult the PhD regulations on how to apply for an embargo before submitting for examination. |
Any queries regarding third party copyright and theses, the University of Derby repository, publisher copyright policies etc. contact Donya Rowan (Copyright Officer) either via email (,or online via Teams chat or Teams phone: 01332-593605
Contact your supervisor if you need to consider an embargo period for your electronic thesis or discuss the copyright in your work and refer to the PhD Regulations on how to obtain an embargo.
Further information about copyright can be found on the web. For instance
The copyright clearance process for the following materials is the same as explained above.
Illustrations, including images, figures and tables
Permission is needed when using an illustration for decorative purposes in your thesis. For instance, you may want to put an image on the cover page. If the same illustration is used as a part of the argument in your work then this may be considered “criticism” and permission may not be required. Ask for permission if you are in doubt.
Maps from Ordnance Survey® and Digimap® all need to be checked for copyright restrictions. When using a map from a book, check who owns the copyright and seek permission if necessary.
If you did not take the photo(s) in your thesis then permission must be sought from either the photographer or the copyright holder. These might not be the same person. You own the copyright to photos taken by yourself. It is advisable to put a copyright statement beneath each of your own photos to make this clear. If any of your photos are of people, you need their permission to use the photo(s) in your digital thesis. If the people are incidental to the photo and not the main focus of the image then permission is not needed. Permission is not required if the people in the photo(s) are deceased. However, consider the nature or use of the photos and how this might distress any friends and relatives. It is particularly important to obtain permission when using images of children.
Material from the web
Content on web pages is NOT free to use in any way you wish. Check the terms and conditions on web pages to see what uses of the content are permitted. Also bear in mind that an author/creator does not need to apply for copyright, nor does the copyright mark © need to be displayed for copyright to cover an item. Also bear in mind that many web pages displaying material you wish to use may not have obtained permission to use it themselves. The author or creator of the web page may not be the copyright holder.
Other categories of material
Seek advice if you are considering the use of: