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Develop with Derby: Finding and Evaluating Sources of Information

Which sources to use?

As mentioned in the previous section, you will need to search for good information sources, usually academic, when you come to learn, write and answer questions about a subject or topic. However, the type of information you need can change depending on the coursework or project you are completing. For example, for one piece of coursework, you might need information about theoretical aspects of a subject whereas for another, it might be real world case studies you need. In the first instance, academic books would be a useful source to consult whereas for the second example, journals/company websites/professional magazines would be a good place to look. 

So before you start your research on a topic, you need to think about what type of sources will contain the information that you need.

Information sources generally fall into three categories: primary, secondary and tertiary.

Have a look at the video below to find out more. 

The next few sections will explore some of the most common information sources and the  advantages and disadvantages of each one.