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Scan and Deliver


Scan and Deliver is a free digital service for staff and students.

It enables you to request a digital copy of any chapter or article that the Library holds in print. You should get your scan in about ten days, although this can sometimes vary depending on stock availability. 

To make a request simply use our app and the scan will be sent to your University email address via a link, along with further information and instructions.

There are a few points to mention, though:

  • In order to comply with copyright regulations - scans are strictly for personal research only and must not be shared with anyone.
  • Only one chapter, or one journal article, can be requested from a particular book/journal part (of any edition) and requests are limited to one request per person per week.

SCONUL (Using Other Libraries)

SCONUL Access is a scheme that enables members of the University of Derby to access other libraries in the UK. It works on a 'banding system', which means that the 'band' you belong to affects what services you can generally use and access at other libraries. Here is a summary of the banding: 


Band R (Undergraduates) - generally only reference access

Band C (Full-time taught post-graduates) - some borrowing rights can be expected

Band B (Part-time, distance learning, and placement students) - some borrowing rights might be expected


How do I apply for SCONUL?

Simply visit the following website to begin the process:

Now complete the simple check box which will ask you what kind of user you are (i.e. undergraduate, postgraduate, etc.) and where you are studying (University of Derby!). Then click Find.

You are now presented with a list of universities around the UK that will potentially allow you access. 

Simply find the university you wish to use and click Apply for Access. But make sure that your Band is listed as one that the university of your choice will theoretically accept. 


Now complete the registration form, which we will then process here at the University of Derby:


Once your application is completed and approved, you will receive an e-mail with further instructions about what to do next. It is also recommended that you make contact with the SCONUL contact at the library you wish to visit to ensure you understand their requirements (e.g. passport photos for a card, proof of address etc.).