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Elevating your Online Profile as a Researcher

This guide is designed to highlight the various tools and services which you can use to be more visible as a researcher in the online environment.

CRediT – Contributor Roles Taxonomy

 Contributor Roles Taxonomy 

CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) is high-level taxonomy, including 14 roles, that can be used to represent the roles typically played by contributors to scholarly output. The roles describe each contributor’s specific contribution. Since its inception in 2014, CRediT has been widely adopted across a range of publishers to improve accessibility and visibility of the range of contribution to published research outputs, such as: 

  • Helping to reduce the potential for author disputes.
  • Supporting adherence to authorship/contributorship processes and policies.
  • Enabling visibility and recognition of the different contributions of researchers, particularly in multi-authored works – across all aspects of the research being reported (including data curation, statistical analysis, etc.)
  • Supporting identification of peer reviewers and specific expertise.

To begin using the taxonomy, allocate the terms appropriately to your contributors within research outputs. At the university of Derby, we strongly encourage the adoption of CRediT. Please see the University Research Publication and Open Access Policy: Procedures document for further guidance.