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Google Scholar (with Lean Library)

Google Scholar, a specialised search engine designed for academic research, is an invaluable tool for law students seeking to explore the vast landscape of legal scholarship and related disciplines. By indexing scholarly literature across various fields, including law, criminology, political science, and economics, Google Scholar allows you to discover relevant research articles, case law, legal opinions, books, conference papers, and other scholarly materials.

How Google Scholar Enhances Legal Research:

  • Interdisciplinary Exploration: Google Scholar's broad scope enables you to explore legal research from an interdisciplinary perspective, uncovering connections between law and other fields like criminology, economics, and political science. This can enrich your understanding of legal issues and their broader societal impact.
  • Discovering Diverse Legal Perspectives: Google Scholar can lead you to a wide range of legal perspectives and theoretical frameworks, exposing you to diverse voices and debates within the legal field. This can help you develop a more nuanced understanding of legal issues and challenge your own assumptions.
  • Uncovering Hidden Gems: Google Scholar's algorithm sometimes surfaces lesser-known or underrepresented legal research that might not be easily discoverable through traditional legal databases. This can lead you to unique and valuable sources that can strengthen your legal arguments.
  • Citation Tracking: Google Scholar's citation tracking feature allows you to explore the scholarly conversations surrounding specific legal cases, statutes, or doctrines, identifying influential articles, authors, and legal trends. This can help you situate your own legal research within the broader legal landscape.

Important Considerations When Using Google Scholar:

  • Pre-print Versions: Be aware that some versions of papers found on Google Scholar may be pre-prints, which are early versions of articles that have not yet undergone peer review. Always verify that you are accessing the final, published version of an article for the most accurate and reliable information.
  • Paywalls: Some articles found on Google Scholar may be behind paywalls, meaning you may need to pay a fee or have a subscription to access the full text. This is where Lean Library comes in handy!

Lean Library: Your Gateway to Full-Text Access

To enhance your Google Scholar experience and overcome paywall barriers, the library provides Lean Library, a browser extension that seamlessly integrates with Google Scholar. It indicates whether the University of Derby provides access to the full text of the articles you find, and if so, provides a direct link to access the article through the library's subscriptions. This streamlines your research process and ensures you can access the legal resources you need without incurring additional costs.

Comparing Google Scholar and Library Search:

While both Google Scholar and Library Search offer access to scholarly literature, they have distinct advantages for law students:

  • Library Search: Provides a comprehensive, curated collection of legal resources specifically tailored to the needs of law students and researchers. It offers clear information on availability and access, including the option to request interlibrary loans for legal materials not held by the university.
  • Google Scholar: Offers a broader scope, potentially uncovering lesser-known or interdisciplinary legal sources. When combined with Lean Library, it provides a streamlined way to access full-text articles available through the university library.

Optimising Your Legal Research Strategy:

For the most effective legal research, it's recommended to use both Google Scholar (with Lean Library) and Library Search, along with specialised legal databases like Westlaw and Lexis. This multifaceted approach ensures you have access to the widest possible range of legal resources, combining the strengths of each platform to uncover the most relevant and authoritative sources for your legal research.