Using Pivot Tables in Excel
By completing this activity you will learn how to:
What is a Pivot Table?
A PivotTable is a report, based on data in an existing worksheet or external data source, which summarises the information into manageable and easily identifiable results.
PivotTables are interactive and by arranging the fields into the table allows the data to be displayed in various ways showing different results. The feature is a powerful tool for summarizing large amounts of tabular data presenting further detailed information on the data source.
What can you do with Pivot Tables?
The advantages of using a PivotTable are that you can quickly summarise data and you can calculate totals, averages, and counts, based on the numeric data in your table.
For quick visual results charts can be generated from your PivotTables.
How to complete the activity
To complete the activity, download the workbook and accompanying spreadsheets from the bottom of this page. The workbook will take you through different tasks step by step, using the data in the spreadsheets.
This activity is based on the workshop Using Pivot Tables in MS Excel. Check our workshop calendar for upcoming digital skills workshops.